ICT & Software Engineering This 4-year study programme is an international programme, leading to the international Bachelor degree in ICT. It is a university programme conducted in English intended for the professional field of Software Engineering. With the knowledge and skills found at Fontys University of Applied Sciences, in the faculty of ICT students can work as high-level engineers in the ICT sector. This programme leads to the International Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree in Information & Communication Technology
In the first year you follow courses and projects in five study programmes. In the first semester you will focus on basic ICT related subjects, and go more indepth in one of the five programmes; from the second semester you will focus on more subjects related to either ICT & Technology, ICT & Software Engineering, ICT & Business, ICT & Media Design or ICT & Infrastructure. In the second year you will spend 3 days of classes in your chosen study programme and 2 days in 1 or 2 specialisations of your choice. At the end of the second year, you can decide what your final specialisation will be. In the third year you will do your first internship for six months. The last semester of the fourth year will be your graduation semester in a company
Location: Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Duration: 4 years
Placement: in the third year (second semester) in an international company
Main Subjects: Programing in C#, Databases, Mathematics, Computer Systems, System Development, Networking, Operating Systems, Secure Programming, etc.
Admission requirements:
• Academic transcript in English and native language
• Motivation Letter
• Studielink.nl registration
• Copy of ID
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