UNIFY - UNIversity For You in Holland

New results of Shanghai rating are available

The results for 2015 year of ARWU are already available. 12 of the 13 academic universities in Netherlands are in top 500 and 4 of them - in top 100. Groningen University has raised with one position above, Leiden University had fallen with 5 positions below and VU Amsterdam University is 2 positions above compared to 2014. See all results HERE.

About Holland and bicycles :)

According to the new research of Copenhagenize - a consultant, which helps cities and governments to build more bicycle-friendly infrastructure, the Netherlands is a leader among the countries with builded infrastructure for bikes. The top 5 of cities for 2015 with the best bike infrastructure looks like that:



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More Info

If you are satisfied with our services, then you can become our ambassadors and RECOMMEND US to your friends and other students who want to apply in Holland. When they are admitted, you will be awarded from UNIFY!

Thank you in advance,


You want to Study in Holland. Some of your classmates have interest too?


 The presentation of UNIFY consists of information about:

 - Holland and the education system in Hollland

 - The ranking of the universities

 - Each bachelor/master program

 - How to apply and what documents to prepare

 - How to finance your studies

 - The life in Holland

 Invite us in your school.
 See out Contacts or fill in the Contact form.


Soon expect information about our upcoming events!