Have a look on the Fontys University without leaving your room!
You can have a walk in the campus of Fontys University in the city of Venlo through THIS virtual tour.
Our Activities - all services of UNIFY are for free for the students.
How to earn a quality degree at a comparatively low cost? Possible only in Holland.
You can have a walk in the campus of Fontys University in the city of Venlo through THIS virtual tour.
As from September 2015, Saxion University will offer the following new bachelor programs, focused on the IT sector:
Contact us, in order to know more about the admission requirements.
At the university in Venlo, the Open Days will be organized on 31 January - 2 February and 1 April. Fontys covers for you accomodation, food and organizes for a program, in which you can visit lectures from a program of your choice and the city of Venlo. Short motivation letter is required for participation. Contact us to sign up.
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