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Facility and Real Estate Management

This is one-year master programme. Studying Facility and Real Estate Management you approach the building as a strategic asset, and part of the value chain of the integrated facility management. Both facility management and real estate management act within internal spheres of action in the organization. They deal with the same issues of processes, property and people.

The program have grown out to be specialised management disciplines. Managers understand that without a secondary process a primary process cannot exist. Nowadays facility management and real estate management play a key role in the overall business.

As a result of this development, facility and real estate managers are more involved in the company’s strategy than ever before and not only from a secondary process point of view. Together assets and facilities services are responsible for the appropriate support of the primary processes and its stakeholders. Together with the core business they are partners in a kind of joint venture for the benefit of all the stakeholders. Departmental borders get blurred and all business processes come together.

Facility Master

The Master of Facility & Real Estate Management is a selected entry programme in which we accept approximately 15 students per year. The Master has one intake per year, in September.

For the entry requirements please contact us on